Terms & Conditions
- The Artist agrees to sing and perform with/without his music group for the Assignee who will be at liberty to
record the said songs or performances.
The Assignee will be at liberty to make records / audio and video cassettes / audio and video compact discs / Digital Video Discs (DVD) / MP3 Discs, from the music master copy / tape / CD which is in his possession and to sell such records / audio and video cassettes / Audio and Video compact discs / Digital Video Disc’s (DVD) / MP3 Discs in physical or digital format entirely as it pleases. - The artiste hereby assigns to the Assignee all rights, title or interests that may vest in the Artiste by virtue of his/her being a singer, lyric writer, music composer, music director and otherwise in respect of the said songs; and the Assignee henceforth shall hold the said rights unto them exclusively and absolutely. Neither the Artiste, Lyric writer, music composer, music director nor the music group under his guidance, influence or supervision shall record themselves or cause the recording or assist some third party for recording any of the said songs detailed in Annexure “A”. The word "'recording" means to include studio recordings or live program/performance recording or any other type of recording which may be later used to monetize the song in any which way. The Artiste takes full responsibility regarding the ownership of the copyright of the lyrics and music track of the said songs and indemnifies the Assignee from any claims under the infringement of copyright or any other rights.
- The Artiste warrants that the songs detailed in Annexure “A” are not the subject matter of any earlier assignment and / or license by him/her in favor of any third party and further indemnifies the Assignee against any damages, claims etc. that may be made in a suit filed against the Assignee by a third party for the infringement of copyright or any other rights.
- The expression “Songs” wherever appearing in this agreement shall include ballad, narration, kathas or any other musical compositions.
- It is hereby agreed between the parties that in case of any dispute arising between them, it is the courts at Delhi alone which shall have jurisdiction to decide the same.